Fulton Mall: Now

  The Fulton Mall is a pedestrian-only mall located on Fulton Street in Downtown Fresno. It occupies six blocks between Tuolumne and Inyo Streets. Fresno and Tulare Streets allow vehicular traffic through the mall but there is no on-street parking. The Mall is 2,670 feet long and 80-feet wide. The mall is known as an outdoor museum of art. It has 20 art features, 80 seating areas, two tot lots, and 144 trees. The Mall’s art was appraised at $2 million... Read More

Fulton Mall: Then

  The Fulton Mall is a pedestrian-only mall located on Fulton Street in Downtown Fresno. It occupies six blocks between Tuolumne and Inyo Streets. Fresno and Tulare Streets allow cars to drive through the Mall, but do not allow on-street parking. The Mall is 2,670 feet long and 80-feet wide. The mall is known as an outdoor museum of art. It has 20 art features, 80 seating areas, two tot lots, and 144 trees. The Mall was determined eligible to be listed on the... Read More

Downtown Fresno Office Market Analysis

  This post is about the state of the office market in Downtown and its issues. You can read about the future demand for office space and the market’s potential, here.   CURRENT TENANT MIX Employment centers in the City of Fresno. A wide range of businesses, typically, move to major job centers, because it will increase their sales. It is difficult attracting businesses to an area that has not grown, like Downtown. Downtown Fresno has a high concentration... Read More