Downtown Fresno Real Estate Market

The Pacific Southwest building (middle) was purchased by its current owner over a year ago. There are plans to renovate up to three floors into lofts. The building is currently used for offices, lofts, and banquets. The bank vault was used as an art gallery for June's ArtHop.
Strategic Economics (SE) put together a market analysis report for Downtown Fresno. The findings in the report are an excellent introduction to future posts about the Fulton Corridor Specific Plan (FCSP). The Plan will be a turning point for the City of Fresno’s efforts to revitalize Downtown Fresno. Future development projects will have to follow the policies outlined in the FCSP, once the Plan is adopted next year. Most of the policies were influenced by the conclusions of this analysis report.
The report was written in April of last year and describes the current market in the most detailed and accurate way I could find. I have put together the most prominent findings and figures for the following markets:
These posts will help you have a better understanding of the real estate market in Downtown Fresno and its potential.

The area in blue are the boundaries for the FCSP/Downtown Fresno. Downtown is approximately 655 acres. It is bounded to the North by Divisadero St., to the west by Hwy 99, to the south by Fwy 41, and to the east by, roughly, O St.
Have a lovely day in Fresno!
Veronica Stumpf, Co-Broker
Stumpf and Company, Commercial Real Estate
DRE Lic. #01906952
Hi! If you may allow me, I’ll just get some excerpts from your blog to use on my masters degree thesis research about real estates and properties Well written, anyway. ☺ Good job!
No problem! It would be best if you cited the Strategic Economics’ Analysis Report of Downtown. That is where I got most of my information.