Taylor Barry, Dream. Explore. Discover.
“I’m just your average teenage girl writing about stuff nobody talks about, but people need to know.”
Meet Taylor Barry. Taylor was born and raised in Fresno. She recently graduated from University High School and started her own blog, Dream. Explore. Discover.
Her blog discusses taboos that teenage girls struggle with, but are too embarrassed to talk about, such as sex, love, moving to college, and finding independence outside of a relationship.
Taylor’s experience with a past relationship inspired her to start a blog. She says that she started a relationship quickly after a break up with an ex-boyfriend. “I probably shouldn’t have done that.” Taylor says, “But I did not know how to be myself so I latched on to him.” The relationship spiraled out of control just as quickly as it progressed. “I was really dependent on him for affirmation,” Taylor says, “and that wasn’t functional.” She panicked everyday because of her insecurity.
Taylor describes her reaction to the break up to that of a wounded animal. “My brain wasn’t functional so I obviously did the rational thing and tore through (my ex-boyfriend’s) house.” She learned from the break up that you need to be comfortable with yourself before you start a relationship. Also, don’t feel as if you can’t be independent and stand on your own two feet. Taylor started the blog in May because she did not want to with hold any knowledge she learned from this relationship and other personal experiences.
Taylor focuses a lot on sexual relationships on her blog. She says that a lot of people don’t ask the kinds of questions about intimacy they should ask. Girls are left out of the blue about relationships. “I had to learn my lesson the hard way,” Taylor says and she wants her readers to be informed. She hopes that she can keep one girl from going through what she went through or help one person wake up from a bad relationship. “I’m not a guru on relationships,” Taylor says, “but my past relationships have been absolute disasters.”
Taylor has been successful with her blog. Yesterday, she reached 10,000 page views. Her blog is read in 14 countries and has dedicated followers in Malaysia.
Taylor’s family has supported her blog. Taylor says that she has an open relationship with her parents and they know what the blog is about. Her dad has even told several business partners about her blog. “It’s cute,” Taylor says, “but it’s also awkward.”
Taylor says that she has received both positive and negative feedback from readers. “Most people like it and have thanked me for advice,” Taylor says, “and it feels really, really good.” Taylor says that a lot of readers can relate to her posts.
Some people, however, have found the blog to be offensive. Taylor is not surprised by this reaction. “I’m very blunt and I don’t sugar coat anything.”
Taylor says that the greatest thing about blogging is having a place to express herself. No matter what she writes, she likes that at least one person agrees with her.
The downside of blogging, Taylor says, is the difficulty of maintaining a blog. She tried to post every other day, at first, but quickly experienced writers block. Taylor has realized that it is not important to write on a regular basis.
Taylor plans on going to school in Santa Cruz. She will be double majoring in Political Science and Sociology. At Santa Cruz, she hopes to continue writing for her blog. “As I learn more and experience more,” Taylor says, “I think I’ll be able to write more.”
When maintaining a blog, Taylor says that it is important not to feel pressured to write everyday or write about a certain topic. She also advises that a blogger should not stop writing about a topic, because their readers don’t like it. “If they don’t like a post,” Taylor says, “it means that you got under their skin, which is a good thing.”
You don’t hear this often from teenagers, but Taylor says that she really enjoys Fresno. “From the outside, it looks like a really boring place to live.” If you dig deeper, Taylor says you will find that Fresno has a lot to offer and there are plenty of great things to do.
Taylor likes how Fresno is a big city, but has a small town mentality. “It makes you feel more at home and I like that community feeling.” She thinks that Fresno is a great place to grow up, overall.
Taylor says she appreciates that Fresno is very diverse. “It’s really easy to find a group and be happy with them.” She thinks that Fresno’s diversity introduces people to a lot of things and gives them a broad perspective on life.
A few of Taylor’s favorite things to do is to go thrift store shopping off of Highway 41 and Van Ness Ave in downtown. She also enjoys walking in the Tower District and going to a local cafe, Teazer World Tea Market. While she is blogging she often goes to Panera Bread and orders a bowl of macroni and cheese and brownie. “I love sitting in Panera and watching the world go by,” Taylor says.
There are several negative things about Fresno, Taylor says. She says that Fresno has a big problem with drugs gangs, and poverty. Taylor recommends that more government money should be directed towards Fresno since Fresno is the fifth largest city in California. Extra money paired with continuing efforts to revitalize downtown will improve Fresno. She says that residents can help improve Fresno by embracing the city’s culture.
Taylor says that one of the biggest problems in Fresno is our high rate of teen pregnancy. Fresno is in the 90th percentile in the nation for teen pregnancy. Taylor thinks that teen pregnancy can decrease in Fresno if people talk more openly about sex. “You can’t pretend it’s not happening, especially in high schools,” Taylor says. “I know it’s awkward and uncomfortable to talk about, but you can’t be ignorant about your body.” She tries to address these issues through her blog.
I asked Taylor if she plans on moving back to Fresno after college. She said that she would have to wait and see how Fresno evolves. “If Fresno continues going down the same track then it will definitely be a great place to live.”
Taylor (left) at the pride parade in the Tower District. Taylor likes the diverse culture in Fresno and enjoys spending time in the Tower District
You can read Taylor’s blog and “like” her Facebook page.
Have a lovely day in Fresno!
Veronica Stumpf